Southern Timber Supply Analysis Data Update
Data in the Southern Timber Supply Analysis application has been updated to reflect the latest data available from Forest Inventory and Analysis. The new data was downloaded from the FIA DataMart on 6 May 2021. Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Virginia added another year of data since the last update. Data for states within 100 miles of the U.S. South was also updated; of those states, Kansas, Ohio, and West Virginia have a new year of data.
The Timber Supply Analysis application provides estimates of timberland area and standing timber, growth, and removals within a user-defined area in the U.S. South. Check it out at southerntimbersupply.com.
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Rebekah ZehnderGeospatial Analyst
200 Technology Way, Suite 1281
College Station, TX 77845
979-458-6630 office
979-458-6633 fax