• The annual Texas Smokey Bear Poster Contest is hosted by Texas A&M Forest Service. It was originally developed to create a 2024 calendar in celebration of Smokey's 80th birthday. This is the third year of the contest in hopes of continuing for years to come! Contest winners will be featured in a 2026 monthly calendar. Deadline is August 30, 2025!

    Check out the 2024 Calendar of 2023's Poster Contest Winners:

    2023 Calendar Cover

    Check out the 2025 Calendar of last years Poster Contest Winners:

      2024 Cover Artist_Rhone

     + Smokey Bear Poster Contest Announcement

    Texas A&M Forest Service presents the 3rd Annual Smokey Bear Poster Contest for Texas students.


    Texas students from Kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to participate in a Smokey Bear Poster contest to help promote wildfire prevention. Students will demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention through their original artwork of Smokey Bear. Students can submit entries completed at home or done through their school district, youth program or other informal education setting. 


    Every year, Texas communities are impacted by wildfires. Human activities account for 90% of wildfires in Texas - which means they are preventable!

    Since 1944, Smokey Bear has been the nationally recognized symbol for wildfire prevention. His message of “Only you can prevent wildfires!” encourages personal responsibility using five rules to teach children and adults the importance of preventing wildfires.


    Nine out of ten wildfires are caused by people. Common preventable causes of wildfires include:

    • careless debris burning
    • equipment use (heavy equipment, vehicles, welding, etc.)
    • discarding smoking materials such as hot coals
    • welding or cutting metal
    • outdoor cooking and other outdoor activities that can release sparks
    • arson


    The Smokey Bear Poster Contest helps raise awareness about wildfire prevention so we can keep Texans safe and conserve our natural resources. Contest entries should feature a wildfire prevention message for issues seen in Texas.


    The Poster Contest consists of four divisions:

    1. Kindergarten through 2nd grade
    2. 3rd through 5th grade
    3. 6th through 8th grade
    4. 9th through 12th grade 


    Winners will be chosen from each division. Each winner will be showcased in the 2026 Smokey Bear Calendar from Texas A&M Forest Service.


    Email with any questions.

     + Contest Rules
    • Entries must be completed by a Texas resident in Kindergarten-12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. 
    • All posters must include a wildfire prevention message and Smokey Bear's likeness, presented in his correct colors and attire, as he is a national icon protected by federal law.
    • Smokey Bear's illustration must be the artist's original drawing. See the Tips tab for examples of Smokey Bear or visit
    • Posters should be created using regular 8½x11 paper or construction paper.
    • Approved art mediums include crayons, pencils, markers, paint or similar mediums. No 3-D or glue-on materials will be accepted.
    • Landscape orientation is preferred.
    • Please avoid spelling or grammar errors.
    • Posters will be judged based on overall design, message effectiveness, artwork, and originality.
    • Please attach the entry form below on the back of your entry or write this information on the back of your poster: Student Name, Division, Grade Level, Age and Parent Name, Parent Email Address and Parent Phone Number. 
    • In-person entries will be accepted if completed during an event with Texas A&M Forest Service. 

     2025_Poster Contest Entry Form



    Posters should be mailed (flat not folded) to:

             Texas A&M Forest Service
             P.O. Box 1084
              Victoria, Tx 77902                                                                           
    Postmark deadline is August 30th, 2025!

    Submitted entries become property of Texas A&M Forest Service and will not be returned to participants.
       + Additional Information and Tips

      The Texas Smokey Bear Poster Contest is hosted by Texas A&M Forest Service. The primary goal of Smokey Bear’s Poster Contest is to raise awareness about wildfire prevention so we can keep Texans safe and conserve our natural resources.  Contest entries should feature a wildfire prevention message for issues seen in Texas


      • Texas-based students from Kindergarten through 12th grade can participate. Students can submit entries independently or through school districts, homeschools, youth programs/camps, scout groups, or other informal education or youth groups.
      • The student's respective division will be the student's grade level for the 2024-2025 school year (including summer entries).
      • Entries may be submitted anytime up to the closing date of August 30, 2025.
      • Winners will be announced in October during Fire Prevention Week!
      • Landscape orientation is preferred and avoid spelling or grammar errors. Any offensive entries will be disqualified. 
      • Visit and for wildfire prevention information including Smokey Bear’s story, common wildfire causes, and prevention tips to help the students create their poster.


      Watch Texas A&M Forest Service read the Smokey Bear story here: 

      Examples of Smokey Bear:

       2023 Smokey Post Contest_Smokey  


      2023 Smokey Poster Contest_Smokeymail  


      2023 Smokey Poster Contest_SmokeyStanding  

       + Prizes

      Winners will be chosen from each division. Each winning entry will be showcased in the 2026 Smokey Bear Calendar from Texas A&M Forest Service. Winners will also receive a Smokey Bear prize package and offered the opportunity to host a prevention program for their classroom, youth group or community organization. 


       + Important Forms

       Poster Contest Entry Form

        2025_Poster Contest Entry Form


       Poster Contest Flyer




         + 2023 Poster Contest Winners

        January Featured Artist: Yesasri - SHSU Charter School, Brighton

        2023 January

        February Featured Artist: Camdyn - SHSU Charter School, Brighton

        2023 February

        March Featured Artist: Lila - Van Vleck Community 4H

        2023 March

        April Featured Artist: Garrett - DeLeon Elementary School

        2023 April

        May Featured Artist: Cadence - George West Junior High

        2023 May

        June Featured Artist: Izabella - Faulk Middle School

        2023 June

        July Featured Artist: Vance - George West High School

        2023 July

        August Featured Artist: Laney - George West High School

        2023 August

        September Featured Artist: Alba - Adolphus Elementary School

        2023 September

        October Featured Artist: Eli - Adolphus Elementary School

        2023 October

        November Featured Artist: Gianna - Seton Homestudy School

        2023 November

        December Featured Artist: Hannah - Foy H. Moody High School

        2023 December