Texas A&M Forest Service presents the 3rd Annual Smokey Bear Poster Contest for Texas students.
Texas students from Kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to participate in a Smokey Bear Poster contest to help promote wildfire prevention. Students will demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention through their original artwork of Smokey Bear. Students can submit entries completed at home or done through their school district, youth program or other informal education setting.
Every year, Texas communities are impacted by wildfires. Human activities account for 90% of wildfires in Texas - which means they are preventable!
Since 1944, Smokey Bear has been the nationally recognized symbol for wildfire prevention. His message of “Only you can prevent wildfires!” encourages personal responsibility using five rules to teach children and adults the importance of preventing wildfires.
Nine out of ten wildfires are caused by people. Common preventable causes of wildfires include:
- careless debris burning
- equipment use (heavy equipment, vehicles, welding, etc.)
- discarding smoking materials such as hot coals
- welding or cutting metal
- outdoor cooking and other outdoor activities that can release sparks
- arson
The Smokey Bear Poster Contest helps raise awareness about wildfire prevention so we can keep Texans safe and conserve our natural resources. Contest entries should feature a wildfire prevention message for issues seen in Texas.
The Poster Contest consists of four divisions:
- Kindergarten through 2nd grade
- 3rd through 5th grade
- 6th through 8th grade
- 9th through 12th grade
Winners will be chosen from each division. Each winner will be showcased in the 2026 Smokey Bear Calendar from Texas A&M Forest Service.
Email tfsprevention@tfs.tamu.edu with any questions.