As a landowner you can manage your land to promote wildlife habitat for nongame species. Depending on your land cover type, such as forest or open water, there are various habitat management practices (PDF, 515KB) that can be implemented to promote wildlife and song birds (PDF, 247KB). 


    These practices generally include establishing a mix of native plants, maintaining Streamside Management Zones and snags (standing dead trees), prescribed burning, controlling invasive species, managing grazing and providing supplemental food, water and shelter. 

     + Bird Watching
    Bird watching is one of the most popular and fastest growing hobbies in the world. Texas exceeds all other states in opportunities to see a wide variety of birds, with Texas State Forests being a prime destination. 

    Bird watching on the W.G. Jones State Forest (PDF, 200KB)



     + Feral Hogs


    While many people hunt feral hogs, these animals are considered unprotected, exotic, non-game animals. Feral hogs are found in nearly every county in Texas, with an estimated population of 2 million in the state. The population of feral hogs has increased dramatically due to their high reproductive rate and extreme adaptability. Feral hogs cause considerable damage to land, water and agriculture crops. 
    Texas Cooperative Extension report on feral hogs (PDF, 2.6MB)



     + Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species

    Texas is home to many threatened and endangered species that are protected by state and federal laws. You can implement management practices that enhance the survival of endangered species, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. Programs are in place to provide incentives for endangered species management.


    Landowners that are interested in conducting management practices that may improve wildlife habitat but are concerned about additional responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act may want to consider the voluntary Safe Harbor program. Landowners that enroll in this program are only responsible for the 
    baseline populations at the time of enrollment. 


    Conservation programs are available to landowners that are interested in managing their land for endangered species. These programs can share in the cost of implementing habitat improvement practices. 


    Landowners that manage for wildlife and endangered species may be eligible for property tax reductions.


    TFS works closely with state and federal wildlife agencies to manage endangered species in state forests, such as the red-cockaded woodpecker, and provide technical assistance to private landowners. 



     + Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

    Landowners with red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) can implement management practices that enhance survival, regardless of the size of their property. For information on how to manage your land for the RCW, please see the Management Guidelines for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (PDF114KB).


    East Texas red-cockaded woodpecker Safe Harbor habitat conservation program

     + Southern Bald Eagle

    Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), our national symbol, are present in Texas year-round as spring and fall migrants, breeders or winter residents. The bald eagle population in Texas (PDF, 350KB) is divided into two groups, breeding birds and nonbreeding or wintering birds, and can be seen along coastal counties, in the Panhandle, Central and East Texas, and in other areas of suitable habitat throughout the state.

    For information on how to manage your land for the southern bald eagle, please see the Habitat Management Guidelines for Bald Eagles in Texas (PDF, 33KB). 


     + Louisiana Black Bear

    Louisiana black bears (Ursus americanus luteolus) (PDF, 95KB) are active from April to November. In 1992 they were listed as a threated species mainly due to habitat loss. Today, efforts are being made to restore the Louisiana black bear to its former range in areas with suitable habitat. Their numbers are improving and they are moving back into East Texas on their own.