Office Locations
As the state forestry agency of Texas, we have offices scattered across the state to help us serve all Texans. Our headquarters are in College Station, where we have 120 employees, but we also have offices in 59 other Texas cities or towns.
You can see a little bit of our history through the map, with a large office in Lufkin and offices fairly evenly distributed throughout East Texas – where traditional forestry roots run deep and the agency focused its efforts when first founded in 1915. Since then, the agency has expanded westward to meet growing needs for urban forestry, fire response, and forest health, among other things.
To make the map, I used ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. The dots represent the cities and towns with TFS offices. The size of the dot is proportional to the number of employees in the city or town. I used Esri’s topographic basemap but removed the labels and added my own labels for a few cities for reference. The basemap outside Texas is lightened toward the edges and then covered with transparent gray. A shadow around Texas further emphasizes the state and diminishes the background. I used Jason Davies’ word cloud generator to create the word cloud of locations, using the logarithm of the number of employees for the size and editing the colors in Illustrator. The colors were extracted from the basemap with Adobe Color.
Next time you’re traveling through one of these places, stop by and see us! You can find addresses and more information about our offices here.
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+ Contact
Rebekah ZehnderGeospatial Analyst
200 Technology Way, Suite 1281
College Station, TX 77845
979-458-6630 office
979-458-6633 fax