Timber Supply Analysis for the South

    Timber Supply Analysis of the U.S. South

    The latest update to the Timber Supply Analysis application brings you standard reports for the entire southern region – as a whole. So just how much timber does the South have?

    Area202 million acres of timberland
    Volume389 billion cubic feet of timber
    Weight12 billion green short tons of timber
    Growth16 billion cubic feet per year
    500 million green short tons per year
    Removals   9 billion cubic feet per year
    286 million green short tons per year
    G:R Ratio1.76 (volume basis)
    1.75 (weight basis)


    See for yourself (with much more detail!) by going to the app and selecting “U.S. South” in the standard reports toolbox.

    In this latest update, we also updated the data again, so all data is current as of September 2, 2020. Remember, multi-state analyses use the most recent data common to all states in the analysis. Here’s a rundown on the current status:

    2019 | Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas (East)
    2018 | Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia
    2017 | Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma (East), Tennessee



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     + Contact
    Rebekah Zehnder
    Geospatial Analyst
    200 Technology Way, Suite 1281
    College Station, TX 77845
    979-458-6630 office
    979-458-6633 fax