Hunting in Texas is a big deal. You can manage your property to promote wildlife game species such as the bobwhite quail, eastern wild turkey, white-tailed deer and waterfowl such as ducks and geese.


    • Bobwhite Quail (PDF, 250KB)– Bobwhite quail habitat is characterized by grassy areas interspersed with brush and seed producing crops or native plants. Supplemental food plots and strip mowing are management practices that are effective in increasing bobwhite quail production. 


    • Eastern Wild Turkey (PDF, 238KB) – Eastern wild turkey require habitat that provides cover, food and water. Forests provide a large portion of their habitat requirements. Generally, eastern wild turkey prefer irregularly shaped forest areas that provide “edges” along forest stands of different ages. Prescribed burning, regular thinning, maintaining SMZs and establishing openings of supplemental food plots are important management practices. 


    • White-tailed Deer (PDF, 310KB) – White-tailed deer are native to all parts of Texas. Land management can have an effect on their health. Prescribed burning, regular thinning to promote understory forb, or herbaceous flowering plant growth, maintaining SMZs and establishing food plots are important management practices.

    • Waterfowl (PDF, 297KB) – Waterfowl habitat can be enhanced through moist-soil management practices. The Natural Resources Conservation Service and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department can provide technical guidance on managing moist-soil areas. Manipulating water levels in a timed and controlled manner on sites with low permeability soils and low elevation gradients can yield desirable results. Installing wood duck boxes  (PDF, 348KB) in critical areas can provide nesting sites for waterfowl.