The Best Management Practices (BMP) Implementation Monitoring Program was started in 1991 in order to measure the degree of implementation with BMP guidelines by the forest sector, evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs as applied in the field, and identify any weaknesses in the guidelines. Randomly chosen, “normal silvicultural” operations are evaluated, with the landowner’s consent, for the presence and functionality of BMPs. Operations that are selected include both public and private lands. This cooperative, non-regulatory program is completely voluntary. The current BMP implementation rate is 94.0%. Since 1990, Texas A&M Forest Service has completed nine BMP implementation surveys.
A History of Forestry BMP Implementation Monitoring in Texas — Results from the first 15 years (1990–2005)
For any questions or comments regarding past or future BMP Implementation reports please contact Texas A&M Forest Service’s Water Resources Office at 936-639-8180.