• Maps are cool. They help us see things in new ways and understand the world around us. Monthly Map Mondays are designed to give a peek under the hood at how Texas A&M Forest Service develops, uses and shares maps. One of the goals of Monthly Map Monday is to demystify map-making and the data behind maps. Another is simply to show the value of maps and their daily use.

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    Banner image maps from left to right: forest map developed by TFS with hillshade, pine seedlings identified using PrecisionHawk algorithms on UAV data acquired by MTSI and TFS, forest (TFS) and ecoregion (EPA) map with various reference data, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index on NAIP imagery

     + Contact
    Rebekah Zehnder
    Geospatial Analyst
    200 Technology Way, Suite 1281
    College Station, TX 77845
    979-458-6630 office
    979-458-6633 fax