Every year we eagerly await the warmer months to enjoy vacations, camping, boating, family reunions, and holidays like Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day. These summer months are fun and exciting to spend with our families and friends, but let's make sure we keep safety as a priority.
Unfortunately, sometimes outdoor activities can spark a wildfire. About 90% of wildfires in Texas are human caused, which means 90% of our wildfires could be prevented with some simple actions.
+ Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day Safety
- Grilling
- Monitor weather conditions and avoid grilling with wood or charcoal on hot, dry, windy days
- Place your grill in an open space, away from tall grass or other flammable materials.
- Never leave your grill unattended.
- Allow the coals to completely cool before disposing of them
- Camping
- Keep your camp fire small, never leave it unattended, and make sure it is out cold before leaving.
- If you will be pulling a boat or camper, make sure your tow chains are properly connected and not dragging on the roadway.
- Park in designated spaces and avoid parking on dry grass.
- Fireworks
- Monitor weather conditions and beware of strong winds.
- Never light fireworks near dry grass. Look for a mowed area, parking lot, or plowed field.
- Have a water hose, wet towels, or a bucket of water nearby.
- Extinguish used fireworks in a bucket of water.

+ Careless Debris Burning
- Check local burning restrictions and burn bans before lighting any outdoor burn piles.
- Keep debris piles small and manageable.
- Keep a water source, such as a hose or bucket, nearby.
- Clear vegetation and flammable material at least 10 feet away from your pile.
- Avoid burning under overhead obstructions like trees, power lines, and structures.
- Never leave your fire unattended.
- Always fully extinguish your fire before leaving.
- Choose alternatives to burning when feasible.

+ Equipment Use
- Avoid driving and/or parking in tall, dry grass. The underside of your vehicle may start wildfires if exposed to dry vegetation.
- Dragging chains may create sparks, causing a wildfire. Secure trailer safety chains and ensure they will not come in contact with the road.
- Underinflated tires and/or tire failure pose a wildfire hazard. Wheel rims may produce sparks if contact is made with the pavement.
- Remove accumulated grass and debris from moving parts.
- Inspect belts, bearings, brakes, and other mechanical parts for failures or excessive heat.

+ Campfire Safety
- Learn before you burn. Check for any burn bans, local ordinances or campground restrictions before building your fire.
- Always obey local burn bans and outdoor burning restrictions. Wait to conduct any outdoor burning until the burn ban has been lifted and weather conditions are not extremely hot, dry, or windy.
- Keep you embers contained by using a fire ring or fire pit.
- Check for overhanging branches, power lines, or other hazards that could catch fire.
- Keep your campfire to manageable size. A large fire requires more work to make sure it's dead out.
- When putting out your campfire: drown the ashes with water, stir with a shovel and feel that the ashes are cool with the back of your hand. Repeat these steps until your ashes are cold.
- Use local firewood. When you transport firewood, you might unintentionally spread harmful insects or diseases to new locations.
- Keep a water source, such as a hose or bucket, nearby.
- Be mindful of kids and pets around campfires.
- Never leave your cooking or campfire unattended!

+ Grilling Safety
- Never leave your grill unattended. Wind gusts may blow embers into dry vegetation, potentially starting a wildfire.
- Ensure your grill is kept clean of excess grease to prevent flare-ups.
- Place your grill in an open space away from tall or dry grass, shrubs, woodpiles or other flammable materials. Also avoid placing your grill underneath a tree or on a wooden patio deck.
- After you are finished grilling, allow time for the coals in your grill to completely cool. Smoldering coals may reignite and release embers, which may be blown into nearby vegetation.
- Never travel with a lit or smoldering grill in the back of a truck or trailer. Embers may blow out while you are driving and cause a roadside start.
- Residents should monitor weather conditions and avoid grilling with wood or charcoal on hot, dry, windy days.

+ Welding Safety
- Keep area clear of vegetation.
- Have a spotter watch for sparks.
- Keep water and a fire extinguisher nearby.
- Wet down work area.
- Avoid welding on windy days.