The final step that prescribed burn managers take before putting fire on the ground is the Go/No-go checklist. This checklists acts as a record that the person responsible for the burn has conducted all the necessary steps and that the treatment will be implemented within the planned prescription. The tabs below provide links to assist prescribed burn managers verifying they have made all the proper notifications, checked weather and vegetation parameters, and have the needed equipment and people in place.
+ Print a Go/No-go Checklist
+ Have all permits and clearances been obtained?
+ Have all required notifications been made?
+ Have all pre-fire considerations and work been completed?
+ Has current and projected fire weather forecasts been obtained and are they within prescription?
+ Are all Fire Prescription parameters met?
+ Are all smoke management specifications met?
+ Are all planned operations personnel and equipment in place?
This sections should have a list of personnel and equipment that matches the list from the burn plan. The prescribed burn manager will verify in the checklist that all resources required by the burn plan are on site prior to the ignition of the burn.
+ Has the availability of contingency resources been checked?
+ Have all personnel been briefed?