Data and Analysis | Tree Improvement
  • The Texas A&M Forest Service tree improvement program, started in 1951, is the oldest in the nation. From its inception it was a regional effort with collaboration and support from the major forest industry leaders, including A.J. Hodges, E.L. Kurth and Arthur Temple, Sr. Early program focus was on drought resistance, seed orchard management, superior tree selection and the genetics of wood specific gravity. For a detailed history, see the 50th Progress Report of the Cooperative Forest Tree Improvement Program (2002)Superior selections are grafted into orchards to provide seed for reforestation.


    Tree improvement is a continuous process of selection, breeding and testing. Traits are identified; selections are made and tested individually or bred together. The process has two basic components – breeding and testing and seed production. Selections of high genetic values are grafted into seed orchards where seed is collected and produced into seedlings in forest nurseries. 

     + What Does the Tree Improvement Process Look Like?
     + Why Do Tree Improvement?
     + Tree Improvement in Texas
     + Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program (WGFTIP)
     + Annual Reports