Peer Recognition
One of the simplest ways for employees to be happy at work is for them to be able to give thanks to each other. With a peer-to-peer recognition program in place, employees can become more engaged and start to see how their position affects the work of others.
Great recognizers make it a priority to share appreciation, and they do it as soon as possible. Recognition in the moment is powerful, as it shows that you’re paying attention and you care.
Here are both informal and formal ways to recognize peers.
The employee’s Peer Recognition Card is informal recognition used by employees to quickly recognize the actions and examples of peers done in the spirit of the agency’s LEADS core values.
“I want to recognize a great worker, and soon! How can I do that?”

This card, and its direct peer-to-peer presentation is an instant gesture of appreciation. This card is a step above a strong handshake or pat on the back. It is an efficient way to personally recognize the practice of LEADS values shown by others
The presenter may indicate a specific core value on the card that the recipient has demonstrated in his or her work, professional relationships or leadership.
If more detail or personalization of the recognition is desired, the presenter may opt to use the peer recognition mailing card.

This card is a token of appreciation that can displayed in someone’s workspace. Collections of cards are silent testimony of a much appreciated worker.
How to:
Complete the card by filling in the name of the person you want to acknowledge and a brief description of the action you are recognizing.
Sign your name and check the boxes of which core values you believe were exhibited.
Contact the Director’s Office for resupply of local office stocks of cards
The Peer Recognition Certificate is formal recognition by employees to recognize the actions and examples of peers done in the spirit of LEADS core values. It is a step above the Peer Recognition Card. It can be presented by the nominating employee at any time during the year and at any time during the recipient’s employment. The certificate is a quick way to personally recognize the contributions and achievements of others.
“I want to recognize a great worker, and soon! How can I do that?”
This certificate and its timely presentation through the Employee Development office is a gesture of appreciation. It is signed by the agency Director and a copy of the award packet is added to the recipient’s personnel record.
This certificate can be displayed in the receiving employee’s workspace.
How to:
Review the Peer Recognition Award Guidelines
Complete the Peer Recognition Award Nomination Form and attach a short summary of the purpose.
Send the form and summary to Employee Development.
The Employee Development office will develop the certificate and route to the Director’s Office for approval.
Upon return, Employee Development sends the certificate and documents to the nominating employee for presentation or follows up any special instructions.
AP 10.04 Employee Recognition Awards
Peer Recognition Award Guidelines
Peer Recognition Award Nomination Form
Contact the Director’s Office or Employee Development for assistance.