Driving across Texas has been an interesting occupation for
foresters and arborists these past few weeks. Many trees appear as healthy and vibrant
as they have ever been, but littered in among the growing green are an equal
– and seemingly arbitrary – population of barren oak trees.
This bizarre phenomenon has intrigued professionals across
the state – especially since oak trees, and particularly live oak trees, are
known to be an incredibly resilient species. Now, months after Winter Storm Uri
swept across Texas in mid-February, many of them still aren’t leafing out. Standing
in contrast to their vibrant and vivacious brethren, they look dead.
/Oak Trees 3.jpg)
Courtney Blevins has spent almost 40 years with Texas
A&M Forest Service, and he can’t recall any past freeze leaving so many oaks
looking bare this late into the spring.
“I’ve been telling people my whole career that the single
toughest species we have up here is live oak,” said Blevins, a forester out of
Fort Worth. “And yet, it’s the live oaks that seem to be most stressed from
this freeze. I’m shocked by that.”
Blevins isn’t the only one. Neil Sperry, a Texas gardening
and horticulture expert known across the state, has been stunned by the
variability, and the scope, of damage left in the wake of that freeze. Followers
of his Facebook page have submitted over 2,000 photos of struggling oak trees, including
all varieties of species and from every single region of the state.
“I have been in this business professionally since 1970, and
I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Sperry. “We think of oaks as
permanent as concrete and steel, and for them to selectively be affected by
this freeze is particularly odd.”
Blevins and Sperry have spent the past few months responding
to residents and landowners who are concerned about the health and condition of
their trees. But as the weeks ticked past—and oak trees across the state still
didn’t leaf out—Sperry decided to pull together a blue-ribbon panel of
certified arborists, foresters, horticulturists, Extension specialists, nursery leaders and garden communicators to
send out a unified message. Their advice to landowners who are wondering what
they should do, and whether they should cut down their valuable trees, is a simple
one: just wait.
“If your tree is dead, there’s no rush to take it down,”
said Blevins. “That’s one big mistake people are making. They’re in a big hurry
to take that thing down, thinking it’s dangerous to leave a dead tree standing, and it’s not.”
Trees can stand firm for years after they have died. And
while nobody wants a dead tree in their yard for long, landowners who are eager
to replace their dead or dormant trees should note that spring isn’t the best
time of year to plant trees in Texas, anyway. Instead, Texans should plant
trees in the fall or early winter, when the roots are able to grow and further
establish the tree.
But Blevins and Sperry are more concerned about landowners
cutting down trees that could have recovered, if just given the time.
“I think most of the oaks are going to come through okay,”
said Blevins. “If your tree is leafing out really late, it’s obviously stressed.
But most trees die from a combination of stressors, not just one thing.”
With a prolonged, deep freeze like the one brought on by Uri,
experts expected some kind of response from trees – primarily fine-twig and
branch dieback. The outermost branches and stems of even the most established
trees lack insulation, and are at risk of freezing in very low temperatures.
This is a partial explanation as to why some trees have growth closer to their
trunk and innermost branches, while the edges of their canopies remain bare –
but it doesn’t explain why so many trees are leafing out late, or not at all.
One popular theory suggests that the trees that are
struggling right now were likely stressed or struggling before the winter
storm, especially given past conditions.
“It’s been a tough decade for trees,” said Gretchen Riley,
the Urban and Community Forestry Program Leader at Texas A&M Forest
Service. “In 2011 we had unprecedented drought across the state, and we lost 500
million trees. Those that we didn’t lose, they experienced pretty heavy stress.
And in the past decade, we’ve seen a lot of tree mortality that really had its
roots in that drought.”
Riley attributes the potential mortality of mature oak trees
to that drought and other, pre-existing conditions, but she attributes the overall
delay in leafing out to a natural, physiological process that was interrupted
by the freeze.
Every February in Texas, trees begin the process of pulling
nutrients from their roots up into their branches and the finer twigs. This combination
of sugar, starches and water is then used to produce buds, which – over the
course of a few weeks – become leaves, and supply the tree with food that can
again be stored in the roots for the following winter. However, because there
is a liquid component to this energy, it is susceptible to freeze damage – and
once frozen, it cannot be repurposed.
It’s also worth noting that the week before the freeze,
temperatures reached as high as 80° F across the state. Warm temperatures like
that often cue trees to begin the process of budding out, and in Texas
late-February is as common a time as any for trees to start leafing out.
“That super freeze froze back a lot of those buds that were
about to open up,” said Blevins. “Now, the trees that were preparing to bud out
have to generate a whole new set of buds to leaf out, and that takes time.”
This theory would best explain the variability of the impact
that Texans are seeing on their trees, since there doesn’t appear to be much of
a correlation between which species of oak have been hit the hardest, or why
urban trees are experiencing equal delays in leafing out.
It would also help explain why some of the trees that were
late to begin leafing out are still struggling. With the last of their energy
reserves being put toward re-producing buds and leafing out, they have little
energy left to put toward defense. In Central Texas, in particular, Texas
A&M Forest Service biologists are seeing a significant population of
caterpillars. With the trees being more susceptible to disease pathogens and
insects, many are losing their leaves to insects as they’re actively trying to
leaf out.
/Beth Kay live oaks DFW.jpg)
While this helps explain what is happening, most residents
are more interested in how they can help their trees. Unfortunately, experts
are saying there isn’t much you can do, and there is very little that you should do.
“They’ve been stressed, and they don’t need any more stress,”
said Blevins. “So I’m telling people, when we get into the heat of the summer –
especially if we have abnormal heat, like we’re supposed to this year – one
thing you might want to do is maybe give them supplemental watering once or
Other than the occasional watering—and you don’t want to
overwater your trees, lest the roots be flooded with water and lack the oxygen
they need to breathe—Blevins recommends patience. Even fertilization should be
avoided unless the tree is experiencing a specific nutrient deficiency. Fertilization
leads to growth spurts – and when a tree is putting its energy into growth, any
energy that could be applied to defense goes down.
Insecticide and fungicide are tempting treatments as well –
since stressed trees are more susceptible to disease and insect infestation –
but again, Blevins and Riley counsel patience. There’s no need for
“preventative” treatments, and insect infestations and diseases should be
treated on a case-by-case basis.
This information can be difficult for landowners and
tree-lovers to absorb, since it is our tendency as stewards to want to do something. However, when it comes to
our trees – especially our mature trees – often times, the more we do, the more
harm we cause.
“The best thing to do with mature trees is nothing,” said
Riley. “Trees are very sensitive to change. And many of these mature trees may
be a hundred years old. They’ve done really well without us, they’ve done their
best to adapt to living around us, and most things that we would go in and do
to them now are more stressful to them than helpful.”
With the list of stressors piling up this year, it’s likely
that many of the trees which were late to leaf out will continue to appear
splotchy, sickly, or partially bare. In Riley’s experience, that is not unusual
in itself, and many trees should be okay if they’re given the opportunity to
leaf out normally next spring.
That being said, the trees that continue to appear bare may
not come back.
“If by mid-July they have zero leaves on them, that tree’s
dead,” said Riley. “If they have a small, poor showing of leaves, you might
wait until next year to make that call. It could improve.”
In any case, the consensus among professionals at Texas
A&M Forest Service and across the state is simple and direct. Be patient.
“Just wait,” said Sperry. “These trees are coming back at
their own pace. Some of them will be lost. But the important word continues to
be ‘wait.’ Don’t start cutting those trees.”
If you’re concerned that the trees on your property are
suffering from more than just stress, visit our page After the Storm. For more specific concerns, contact a certified arborist. You can
find professionals in your area through the Texas A&M Forest Service’s My Land
Management Connector app, or at treesaregood.org/findanarborist.
Texas A&M Forest Service will continue to monitor and
study the impact of winter storm Uri on our state’s trees. For more information,
and to stay up-to-date with our findings, make sure and follow us on social
media at @TexasForestService, and on twitter at @TxForestService.
Blevins, Staff Forester, Texas A&M Forest Service, cblevins@tfs.tamu.edu,
(817) 531-3119
Gretchen Riley, Urban and Community Forestry Program Leader, Texas A&M Forest Service, griley@tfs.tamu.edu,
(979) 458-6650
Stephen O’Shea, Communications Specialist, Texas A&M
Forest Service, stephen.oshea@tfs.tamu.edu,
(979) 458-6649