Cedar Fever - Explained
Cedar fever season is almost upon us, and at a time when
having a fever – or even catching a slight cold – is borderline taboo, it’s
more important than ever to understand the symptoms and the source of this
common, central Texas allergy.
For starters, cedar fever isn’t a flu or a virus – it’s an
allergic reaction to the pollen released by mountain cedar trees. In Texas, the
predominant species of mountain cedar is the Ashe juniper.
“Cedar fever is the worst west of I-35, where you have
primarily juniper mixed in with oaks and some other species,” said Jonathan
Motsinger, the Central Texas Operations Department Head for Texas A&M
Forest Service. “And because all of those junipers are producing pollen at the
same time, you’re going to get a higher concentration of pollen in the air.”
/Juniper Distribution.png)
This is one of the primary factors contributing to cedar
fever – the sheer quantity and density of Ashe junipers in central Texas.
According to Robert Edmonson, a biologist for Texas A&M Forest Service, the
pollen from Ashe junipers isn’t particularly allergenic or harmful – it’s just
so concentrated that, even if you aren’t generally susceptible to allergies, it
could still affect you.
“There’s just so much pollen in the air,” said Edmonson, “it
absolutely overwhelms the immune system. It’s like trying to breathe in a dust
Since that pollen is wind disseminated, cedar fever can
affect individuals far removed from areas with a high-concentration of juniper
trees. And the source isn’t limited to Ashe junipers: in more eastern parts of the
state, there are also eastern redcedars that pollinate around the same
time—between December and January—and they can induce a similar response from
people’s auto-immune systems.
Besides the sheer quantity of pollen released, cedar fever
is mostly problematic because of when
that pollen is released. Most trees pollinate in the spring, when we’re
expecting to have allergies. Ragweed pollen and mold spores can contribute to
allergies in the fall, but very few plants pollinate during the winter. Cedar
trees are the exception—they are triggered by colder weather—and in Texas,
their favorite time to release pollen is right after a cold front.
“Following a cold front,” said Edmonson, “the air dries out,
we get some wind, and the pressure is different. Under those conditions, every single
pollen cone on a juniper tree will open at one time, and it looks like the
trees are on fire. It looks like there’s smoke coming off of them.”
/Ashe Juniper.jpg)
photo by Andy Heatwole
While this creates for some fascinating, and borderline
mesmerizing, imagery, it can also lead to some serious misery. And for people
new to the central Texas region, or unfamiliar with cedar fever as a whole, it
can lead to genuine confusion since the pollination period of mountain cedar
trees is smack dab in the middle of flu season. It’s not uncommon for people
experiencing cedar fever to mistake their symptoms as a cold or the seasonal
flu, especially given the variety of symptoms triggered by cedar fever. These
include fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, partial loss of smell, and – believe
it or not – some people actually do run a fever.
This year is going to be particularly problematic, since
many of the above symptoms align with the novel, pandemic-inducing coronavirus.
But there are a few tell-tales to look out for. First of all, if you are
running a fever, cedar pollen will rarely cause your body temperature to surpass
101.5°F. If your fever exceeds that temperature, then pollen likely isn’t the
There are also a few symptoms of cedar fever that aren’t
linked to the coronavirus, like itchy, watery eyes, blocked nasal passages, and
sneezing. But there is one “dead giveaway” that, according to Edmonson, should
always steer you clear. “If your mucus is running clear,” he said, “then it’s
an allergy. If it’s got color, then it’s probably a cold or the flu.”
/Cedar Fever VS COVID(1).png)
You can treat cedar fever by taking allergy medications and antihistamines,
but you should consult with your physician or health care professional before
taking new medications. You can also try and anticipate the pollen by tuning in
to your local news station: many of which will give you the pollen count and
can predict when it’s going to be particularly bad. On those days, it’s smart
to keep windows and doors closed, to limit the amount of time you spend
outdoors, and to change air conditioning filters in your car and in your home.
Removing cedar trees from your property isn’t recommended
primarily because the pollen is airborne and—since they often wait to release
their pollen until it’s cold, dry, and windy—that pollen can blow for miles.
It’s also important to note that only male juniper trees release pollen.
“The male trees have pollen cones,” said Motsinger, “and the
female trees have berry-like cones, which are very inconspicuous, but that’s
what’s pollenated from the male trees.”
While junipers are notorious for releasing their fever-inducing
allergens, they also have immense health benefits. Their berries, for instance,
are used to make medicines and oils that can treat a variety of ailments, from
an upset stomach to a snake bite. They are also high in nutrition and vitamins,
providing a sustainable source of food for wildlife and soil enrichment, and
they grow in a terrain that isn’t particularly hospitable to other species of
tree. Most importantly, though, they provide the mental, physical, and
environmental health benefits of trees and forests everywhere.
Ultimately, mountain cedars are really only singled out for
the unusual time of year in which they pollinate.
“There are plenty of trees that produce copious amounts of
airborne pollen,” explained Edmonson. “Coniferous trees do it, and oak trees
can be just as bad in the spring. You get this light dusting of green
everywhere, and that’s all pollen.”
While cedar fever might sound and seem particularly hostile,
Ashe junipers are really just a species like any other, feeling out the
conditions, and waiting for the perfect moment to release their pollen in order
to set their offspring up for success come springtime.
For more information about how to identify Ashe junipers
and/or eastern red cedars in your own backyard, check out the Texas A&M
Forest Service’s Texas
Tree ID webpage or the My Tree ID
mobile app. You can also see the distribution of junipers across the state via
our Forest
Distribution App, which can identify the distribution of native tree species
across the state of Texas.
Robert Edmonson, Biologist, Central / West Texas Operations,
Texas A&M Forest Service, redmonson@tfs.tamu.edu,
(830) 868-7949
Jonathan Motsinger, Central Texas Operations Department Head,
Texas A&M Forest Service | Austin Regional Office, jmotsinger@tfs.tamu.edu, (512) 339-6548
Stephen O’Shea, Communications Specialist, Texas A&M
Forest Service, stephen.oshea@tfs.tamu.edu,
(979) 458-6649