November 14, 2023
Texas A&M Forest Service annual meeting
honors personnel and service
SAN ANGELO, Texas – Texas
A&M Forest Service held the agency’s annual personnel meeting today in San
Angelo, Texas. Agency employees gathered from across the state to recognize
accomplishments of the past year and employee achievements.
Texas A&M Forest Service
Director Al Davis emphasized his pride in the agency’s work and the annual
meeting being an opportunity to highlight the agency’s progress while setting
goals for 2024.
“Our agency has seen many
changes and improvements throughout the year, and this year’s personnel meeting
was a great opportunity to reflect on our development, recognize the hard work
of the agency’s employees and look forward to the year ahead,” said Davis.
Additionally, Davis shared
his anticipation about the agency’s new recruiting efforts, as the state
legislature recently authorized funding for the agency to hire 40 new employees
this fiscal year.
“As we look to expand Texas
A&M Forest Service’s workforce, our annual meeting served as an opportunity
to reflect on our agency’s values of leadership, excellence, accountability,
duty and service,” said Davis. “We look forward to expanding our workforce to
continue our service to the state of Texas.”
The meeting also focused on
the vision Davis has for the agency. Since assuming the position of director in
June 2023, after serving as interim director for two years prior, Davis plans
to continue his development with agency recruiting, retention and safety. Also,
Davis shared with the agency the three core values of conservation, protection
and leadership.
During the meeting, agency
leadership recognized 52 employees with more than five years of service,
including five employees with 25 years of service or more: Kevin Matthews,
Resource Specialist in Pittsburg, for 25 years of service; Dina Nutall, Business
Associate in College Station, for 25 years of service; Tina Yount, Business Associate
in Lufkin, for 25 years of service; Robert Edmonson, Biologist in Johnson City,
for 30 years of service; and Tammy Russell, Business Associate in Conroe, for
30 years of service.
Scharise Phariss, Business Assistant
in Merkel, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff Field. Phariss plays
an instrumental role in the hiring, onboarding and development of new employees
in the Merkel branch. Phariss has been known to create impactful relationships
within the agency and with its external partners, all while being a full-time
college student.
Jason Calvet, Regional Fire Coordinator
in Houston, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff Professional. Calvet
serves as a prominent ambassador for the agency within his community, as he has
responded to fires throughout the Texas panhandle. Calvet is also responsible
for successful internal employee development by introducing West Texas agency
employees to the forestry practices of East Texas.
Tana Chappell, Administrative
Associate in College Station, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff
Office. Chappell has been an employee of Texas A&M Forest Service for more
than 16 years and is an employee that works far beyond the title of her
position. By rarely saying “no,” Chappell has created an efficient and caring
environment for the purchasing department.
Jacey Tosh, Program Coordinator
in Dallas, received the D.A. “Andy” Anderson Outreach and Education Award for
her passion for forest conservation education which she has helped make more
accessible throughout Texas. Tosh aided in the development and promotion of the
Texas Forest Literacy Plan, a forest and nature-based education curriculum in
Texas public schools.
Dan Gaskins, Staff Forester
in Kerrville, received the Bruce Miles Natural Resource Professional Award. Gaskins
routinely conducts forest inventory and analysis throughout the state, and serves
as a leading mentor for many employees under him and come in contact with him.
Seth Morris, Resource Specialist
in Merkel, received the Charles Krenek Award for Resource Specialist. Morris has
provided substantial support to internal training for new employees by
co-developing a new employee job-aid. Externally, Morris has formed strong
relationships with more than 30 fire departments, assisting with volunteer fire
department grants, equipment allocation and the rural volunteer fire department
insurance program.
The Virtually Wild! Texas program
was recognized as the agency’s best interdivisional project with the Director’s
Award for Team Effort. The program provides accessible forest conservation and
natural resource education for classrooms and students learning from home and
in healthcare facilities with virtual field trips. One of the most successful sessions
included a presentation on the use of drones in forest management, reaching
more than 350 students and teachers across the state.
Team members are Mike Carter, Resource
Specialist; Matt Ford, Regional Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator; Stuart
Morris, Regional Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator; Connor Murname, District
Forester; Mike Sills, Staff Forester; Shruthi Srinivasan, Geospatial Analyst;
and Donna Work, Biologist.