The Swivl robot rotates to follow the speaker with a mobile device recording or streaming video.
     + Uses
    • Record a talk or class
    • Present remotely in a webinar
    • Livestream an event or demonstration
     + Procedure
    If you would like to use Swivl, please email with your request. Include the type of event (e.g. webinar, Facebook live, class recording, etc.), the event date and time, and any other information that may be relevant.
     + How-to

    What you need:

    • Swivl robot
    • Swivl marker(s)
    • iPad or other mobile device
    • Optional: tripod

    Connect the iPad to the Swivl base using the short white connector cable. Turn on the Swivl by holding down the power button for a couple seconds. Open the Swivl app. Remove the marker (small black remote) from the base. Turn it on by pressing the power button on the side. This is what the Swivl tracks when it rotates, so it should stay with the speaker. The marker has a built-in microphone, so the speaker will be heard as they move around.

    Important: the Swivl app must remain open in the background if you are using WebEx/Skype/etc. When you first open the app, you’ll see the camera view, like this:

    Swivl App - Opening Screen

    To use Swivl with a third-party app like WebEx or Skype, you need to change the audio configuration. Hit the X to close the video screen and go to settings. Once there, scroll down to advanced and check that “Audio Configuration” is set to “Distance Audio.” If it’s not, change it.

    Swivl App - Settings Audio Configuration

    Once Swivl is set up, proceed with using your app of choice as you normally would. To pause tracking at any point, press the center button on the marker.

    To learn more, see