Learn and Explore | Ask a Forester
  • When you have questions, Ask a Forester!  

    Our "Ask a Forester" series answers questions about forest health, timber harvesting and land management to ensure that forested lands in Texas are as healthy and productive as possible.

    Jason Ellis, our Jacksonville District Forester, leads the series and shares his forestry knowledge to help established, new and prospective landowners and curious learners find answers to commonly-asked forestry questions.

    "Ask a Forester" is both a video series on our social media channels and a regular newspaper column in publications throughout East Texas. 


    Watch our latest video!


    "Ask a Forester" columns appear in:

    • Cherokeean Herald
    • Houston County Courier
    • Marshall News Messenger
    • New Waverly Community News and Events
    • Panola Watchman
    • Polk County Enterprise
    • Polk County Today


    About Jason
    Jason Ellis is a District Forester for the Texas A&M Forest Service in Jacksonville, Texas. His district assists forest landowners with implementation of forest management practices on their properties including reforestation, timber harvesting and thinning, wildlife habitat management, and forest management plan formation. In addition to serving forest landowners, Jason manages the forestry operations on the I.D. Fairchild State Forest near Rusk, Texas. He lives with his wife, Tiffany, and their daughter, Jesse, in Arp, Texas.

    New Topics

    If you'd like to suggest questions for upcoming "Ask a Forester" installments or if you'd like to see "Ask a Forester" columns in your local newspaper, email communications@tfs.tamu.edu.


    Use #AskaForester on social media!


    Our growing list of topics include:  

     + What is a blowdown?
     + What is a prescribed burn?
     + What is a shelterwood harvest?
     + What is a streamside management zone?
     + What is thinning in forestry?