The nature of forestry operations entails costly tree planting, half-a-generation of care and nurturing, and prolonged risk exposure from fire, storm, tree disease and insect damage. The impact of taxing any gain from the eventual timber sales income
can be very powerful.
Many landowners continue to pay more than their fair share of taxes on their timber income. Even if you use an accountant, you should understand how timber expenses and income are taxed, since some tax preparers are not well versed in tax treatment for
forestry. Knowing the tax laws will give you an advantage in planning your forest management activities.
Although tax laws provide special incentives for timber growers, you may not be aware of or are confused by the tax treatment on timber. Adding to this frustration is the fact that there are relatively few professional tax services offered in the timber
tax specialty. Furthermore, timberland owners must pay yearly property taxes, making timber tax a major expense without annual income to offset the cost.
Timber tax assistance, including timber income tax, timberland property tax and timber-related sales tax, is essential to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of timber resources in the state. To serve the need and gap in timber tax assistance,
Texas A&M Forest Service provides timber tax education and training, conducts timber tax research and assesses the implications of timber tax laws and policies.
Our annual workshop provides basic information
about timber taxation and the latest changes to tax laws and rules for tax
return preparations. Topics generally focus on federal timber income tax issues
for private forest owners with a refresher on local timberland property tax
incentives. Participants gain a clear understanding of commonly misunderstood
timber tax issues.
2025 Timber Income and Property Tax Workshop
Sponsored by Texas A&M
Forest Service
and Texas Forestry Association
+ 2025 Texas Timber Tax Workshop Recording, Presentation Slides, Example Problem and Forms
Presentation Slides
+ Contact
Xufang Zhang
Forest Resource
1300 North Sam Houston Pkwy East, Suite 240
Houston, TX 77032