Hurricane Delta
Hurricane Delta, the second hurricane to threaten Texas in as many months, made landfall on October 9th, 2020, near Creole, Louisiana, as a Category-2 hurricane. No hurricane-force winds occurred in Texas. Maximum sustained winds of 39 to 57 miles per hour affected approximately the same area in East Texas that experienced hurricane- or tropical storm-force winds during Hurricane Laura.
As with Hurricane Laura, we monitored the threat and produced a wind speed map using data from www.nhc.noaa.gov. For context, we show the Hurricane Delta wind swaths side-by-side with Hurricane Laura.
Impact to East Texas was minimal, but individual landowners may have experienced significant loss. If your timber was damaged by Hurricane Delta and you need assistance, please visit our hurricane landowner assistance page.
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Rebekah ZehnderGeospatial Analyst
200 Technology Way, Suite 1281
College Station, TX 77845
979-458-6630 office
979-458-6633 fax