08282020 Group Shot Truck 2 ST2
    The Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) Grant Assistance Program provides reimbursement grants to career fire departments and combination fire departments not eligible for grant assistance under the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program. The program provides $1 million in grant assistance annually, with $800,000 dedicated to TIFMAS vehicles and $200,000 dedicated to all other grant categories.    


    FY 25 Funding Meeting - November 6, 2024    


    Funding Meeting Summary  

    Funding Meeting List  


     + Eligibility

    Those eligible include

    • Career fire departments that have no volunteer members and that are staffed with paid members only.
    • Recognized part-paid, part-volunteer fire departments operating on a not-for-profit basis, having 21 or more paid members.
    • Fire departments eligible for grants under the Rural VFD Assistance Program are not eligible for grants under the TIFMAS Grant Assistance Program.

    Paid members are calculated based on the number of full-time paid and part-paid positions. Two part-paid positions are equivalent to one full-time paid position.


     + Apply for a TIFMAS Apparatus Grant

    A TIFMAS apparatus grant awards 100 percent funding for a standardized NWCG Type I (Tactical Tender), Type III (Wildland Engine) or VI (Wildland Engine) vehicle. Use of the vehicle is governed by the terms set forth in the Supplemental Terms and Responsibilities Agreement between Texas A&M Forest Service and the fire department recipient. 



    Complete Application for TIFMAS Grant Assistance - APPARATUS REQUEST and IRS Form W-9 (PDF) and e-mail to
    Please call 979-458-6505 to confirm your fax was received.

    TIFMAS apparatus grants are approved in October of each year. Grant applications not approved in October automatically roll forward to the next TIFMAS funding meeting. They remain on file and active until approved or cancelled in writing by the applicant.

    A department may have only one active TIFMAS apparatus application at a time. If the department is a previous apparatus awardee, the department is not eligible to reapply unless the grant vehicle has completed its required service life.
    TypeApparatusService Year Requirement
    Type VIGVWR <= 22,000 lbs10 Years Minimum
    Type III/Tactical Type I or IIGVWR > 22,000 lbs     15 Years Minimum


     + Apply for a TIFMAS Training Tuition Grant

    TIFMAS grants for training tuition reimburse 100% of the actual cost of tuition not to exceed $140 per day up to a maximum of $700 per trainee per school. The ANNUAL MAXIMUM for all training tuition grant assistance per department is $15,000.


    To apply for training tuition grants, or to revise existing applications, please visit FireConnect.

    As we continue integrating our fire department assistance programs into FireConnect, it will become crucial that fire departments keep their profile information up to date. We encourage you to please take the time to log on to FireConnect, familiarize yourself with this new system, and make sure all of your department information is current.


    TIFMAS Grant Assistance Program Guidelines For Training Tuition Grant Assistance


    Program ElementReview CycleExpiration of Award
    Training Tuition On Demand 60 days after the published completion date of the individual training course or school
    Online Training TuitionOn Demand60 days after the published completion date of the individual training course or school


     Please Note:

    • Failure to provide the necessary documentation to support payment of the grant award within the specified grant period will result in cancellation of the award.
    • Failure to comply with the grant requirements may result in ineligibilty for future grants.
     + Additional Guidelines
     + Contact

    Texas A&M Forest Service
    200 Technology Way, Ste 1162
    College Station, Texas 77845
    Attn: TIFMAS Grants
                       Phone: (979) 458-6505
    Fax: (979) 845-6160