February 7, 2025    

    Joel Hambright receives Texas A&M University Board of Regents Fellow Service Award    

    COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Yesterday, Joel Hambright, Texas A&M Forest Service Regional Operations Chief, received the 2024 Texas A&M University Board of Regents Fellow Service Award.     

    Hambright began his career at Texas A&M Forest Service in 1994 as a District Forester in Cleveland following his graduation from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management. Since then, Hambright has served as District Forester and Regional Forester in Huntsville. He now serves as a Regional Operations Chief, where he oversees the operations of agency programs within 13 Southeast Texas counties.     

    Hambright also holds National Wildland Coordinating Group qualifications as a Firefighter Type 1; Firefighter Type 2; Heavy Equipment Boss; Single Resource; Strike Team Leader; Incident Commander Type 5; and Liaison Officer.    

    “Throughout his 31-year career with the agency, Joel has provided remarkable contributions to Texas A&M Forest Service and the state of Texas,” said Al Davis, Texas A&M Forest Service Director. “His life’s work personifies this award by delivering exceptional programs that have significant impacts across local, state and national levels.”    

    One of Hambright’s most pivotal accomplishments at the agency is his role in the development of the Texas Forest Expo, a two-day, hands-on workshop for landowners and homeowners near Houston to manage their property and make sustainable development decisions. These efforts created a platform for forestry professionals, researchers and stakeholders to showcase innovative practices, elevating awareness of sustainable forestry statewide.   

    Hambright’s advocacy for landowner education also led to community resiliency and environmental sustainability through the expansion of the agency’s landowner land management planning services. These services allow Texas A&M Forest Service foresters to empower landowners to inventory and create unique land management goals that they then use to create tailored land management plans. By doing so, Texas landowners are better equipped to make informed decisions for the long-term health and productivity of their forested lands.     

    “Recognizing that private lands are crucial to the overall health of our forests, Joel has worked diligently to build strong, trusting relationships with private landowners and timberland investment firms,” said Rob Hughes, Texas Forestry Association Executive Director. “His ability to communicate the benefits of conservation programs and wildfire protection measures has led to widespread participation and successful implementation of these initiatives.”    

    Additionally, Hambright has expressed his passion for education through his involvement with Project Learning Tree, an environmental education program designed for teachers, educators and parents. His efforts have enabled Project Learning Tree to expand its reach and impact across Texas schools and communities through the annual A Walk in the Forest, which equips educators with resources and training to engage students in hands-on learning about forests and natural resources.     

    Hambright has received numerous awards for his service in forestry including the Texas A&M Agrilife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence for Public Service in Forestry in 2018, the Texas Forestry Association Forestry Outreach and Education award in 2023 and Laurence C. Walker Award for Distinguished Service to Forestry by the Texas Society of American Foresters in 2024.    

    The Regents Fellow Service Award is the highest honor annually presented by the Texas A&M University System to 12 extension, research and service members for their exemplary professional service to society that has created large and lasting benefits to Texas and beyond. To date, 18 Texas A&M Forest Service personnel have received this award.     

    Hambright is one of two Texas A&M Forest Service personnel receiving the Regents Fellow Service Award this year.     


    Texas A&M Forest Service Contacts:

    Communications Office,, 979-458-6606