/SistersinFireSquare.jpg) | 9/29/2024 07:45:00 PM 2024 fire event encourages young women to explore a career in wildland firefighting Texas A&M Forest Service hosted the fourth annual Sisters in Fire event on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Sam Houston State University Bearkat Camp.
/TexasTreeAwards copy.jpg) | 9/25/2024 07:30:00 PM Tree care professionals, projects recognized at 2024 Texas Tree Conference Texas A&M Forest Service and the Texas Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISAT) recognized the Texas Tree Award winners at the 44th annual Texas Tree Conference in Waco, Texas, today.
/BrownCountyCWPP copy.jpg) | 9/22/2024 06:15:00 PM Brown County adopts Community Wildfire Protection Plan Brown County implemented a Community Wildfire Protection Plan today, becoming the latest county to adopt the plan which aids in reducing and mitigating wildfire risk.
/WEB-Water resources option - West Caney Creek-Edit copy.png) | 9/9/2024 02:35:00 PM Texas A&M Forest Service offers watershed protection plan implementation grants Texas A&M Forest Service is offering $750,000 for watershed protection plan implementation for local governments, water utilities and non-governmental organizations that have an existing watershed protection plan.
/Bill Square.png) | 9/5/2024 02:00:00 PM Texas A&M Forest Service Associate Director Bill Oates retires After 43 years of leadership and dedication to Texas A&M Forest Service, Bill Oates, Associate Director and private landowner rights champion, retires.
/PrescribedFire.jpg) | 9/3/2024 04:20:00 PM Funding opportunities available to East Texas landowners for prescribed burning Texas A&M Forest Service is offering more than $800,000 in grants to help East Texas landowners offset the cost of prescribed fire to reduce wildfire risks and restore ecosystems.