The Community Wildfire Defense Grant offers financial assistance to at-risk local communities with planning for and mitigating against the risk of catastrophic wildfire. This program is authorized in Public Law 117-58, "An Act to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes", commonly referred to as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
There are two primary objectives for which the grant will provide funding: The development and revision of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP), and the implementation of projects described in a CWPP that is less than ten years old. The Act prioritizes at-risk communities that are in an area identified as having high or very high wildfire hazard potential, are low-income, and/or have been impacted by a severe disaster.
Entities eligible to apply for funding under the Community Wildfire Defense Grant include:
- Local governments representing communities located in an area with a risk of wildfires
- Native American tribes
- Non-profit organizations, including homeowner associations that assist such communities
- State forestry agencies
Eligible applicants may apply for grant funding for a project proposal to be conducted on local government, state government, Tribal, HOA, and privately owned lands, provided the project proposal directly reduces wildfire risk to a community.
There is no minimum federal funding limit for projects under the Community Wildfire Defense Grant. The maximum amount of funding awarded to any one community or Tribe via this competitive grant is:
- $250,000 for the creation or updating of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- $10 million for projects described within a Community Wildfire Protection Plan less than ten years old
Cost-share is required for all applications funded under the CWDG Program. The cost share rates for this program are:
- Not less that 10 percent for development or revision of a CWPP
- Not less than 25 percent for project implementation as described in a CWPP that is not more than 10 years old
The closing date for applications is currently March 14th, 2025.
Learn more about the Community Wildfire Defense Grant and how to apply here:
Learn more about your community's wildfire risk:
Texas A&M Forest Service Contacts:
Community Wildfire Defense Grant Coordination Group,